Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cancun blog 08.12.10 - day 3

At a plenary session this morning we get a report back from the chairs of the two UNFCC working groups,

In the report back from the working group on the convention on long term action (AWG/LCA), the Chair The Chair of AWG LCA reports:
- a lot of progress on adaptation and on REDD,
- on MRV there is a set of options,
- on technology progress doesn’t allow for a compromise solution on and the text remains unchanged.

Active engagements from Ministers will be needed on the following:
- mitigation commitments of developed countries,
-mitigation actions of developing countries,
- MRV on mitigation by developed countries,
- MRV on actions by developing countries, including ICA,

In addition the issue of vulnerability needs to be addressed. The draft text she presented also continued a proposal for the extension of the AWG/LCA, whose mandate would otherwise have ended here..

In the meantime, Bolivia has entered an objection to the Mexican C0P 16 Chair proposals on moving to small groups.

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